
zabriskie point (2000)

zabriskie point
CD : Released December 2000 : Centaur Discs : CENCD 027

1. Ha'Penny Bridge (7.26)
2. Dante's View (52.33)
3. Zabriskie Point (10.57)

purchase: discogs / amazon

The brief was to recreate a piece in the style of a track we had recorded in 1980: Zabriskie Point, for our 1996 appearance on MTV's Party Zone. Obviously a TV show built around dance music was ideal for a contribution from r.m,i. involving not one discernable beat! During the week leading up to the recording of the show we explored the textures and themes we would use when it came to our second ten minute improvised slot.(we had arranged `Frozen North 2' for our first) This piece is the result of that week's work and is an evolving sequencer-free soundscape dedicated to the mystery, beauty and heat of Death Valley, California wherein Zabriskie Point is to be found. The album concludes with the very piece that started it all, from 1980.

radio massacre international's sound defies categorization it is more magical than musical. the music is, first and foremost, improvisational. it is loose in structure but also searching. r.m,i. is all about generating the happy accidents that occur at the ever-changing intersection of multiple moving bodies. when two sequences converge fascinating things happen opening rhythmic and textural options that just moments before were closed to view. it is the creation and exploration of those options that dominates what r.m,i. does in its music.